The Shadowy Horses

Reading her (for me at least) is the literary equivalent of a favorite old sweater--comforting and warm. Almost as soon as I start I can feel it gathering around me like a safe little bubble. They are not for everyone--the romances in them always seem to end a little too perfectly with the future all mapped out but never ever discussed and you must be able to suspend disbelief at least somewhat.
This particular story doesn't have a dual time line/time travel story like many of her others but instead has a ghost story. We have archeologists looking for the famous missing Roman Ninth Legion in Scotland and a ghostly Sentinel watching over what may or may not be a Roman marching camp.
I loved the setting-the small town of Eyemouth (which from the outside seems quaint but would probably drive me nuts if I lived there) and most of the characters (Adrian & Fabia I'm looking at you!) Things ended a little too tidily and of course left other things just hanging in the breeze but that's just how it goes. If you decide to check out Susanna Kearsley and I highly suggest you do start with [bc:Mariana|961833|Mariana|Susanna Kearsley||1916770] or [bc:The Winter Sea|10074752|The Winter Sea (Slains, #1)|Susanna Kearsley||3723657] which are my two favorites! This is a great addition for the person who loves to read an author's complete collection but don't make this your first.